
Akario Backline: is a secure text messaging platform for Healthcare providers, which allows users to connect and share information quickly, reliably and compliant to HIPAA and HITECH regulations. This application is intended to improve team collaboration and productivity.

  • Features: Animation Transition, Integrated with Firebase Cloud Messaging/Crash Reporting/Analytics, Coroutines, Broadcast Manager, Local Broadcast Manager, Glide Image Processing Library, OkHttp (HTTP client), SQLite Database, Android Jetpack (Room, Compose, Navigation, CameraX, Hilt Dependency Injection, Webkit, LiveData, ViewModel, WorkManager, DataBinding), ExoPlayer(Media Player), Fragments, RecylerView, CardViews, Bottom Sheets, FAB (Floating Action Button), Navigation Drawer Menu, ViewPager, Constraint Layout, ButterKnife, Support for Vectors, Text Input Layout, Snackbar, Toolbar, Robolectric (Unit Test), Mockito (Unit Test), MockK (Unit Test), Espresso (Instrumental Testing), Flow (Kotlin Reactive Framework), Twilio Video (Video Calls), Material Design, Dark Mode (Dark Theme), backwards compatible all the way to Lollipop (API 21)

Backline: Clinical Communication and Collaboration Platform | DrFirst

 Smiley face


Department of Electrical Engineering at UTPA

Mobile Electrocardiogram: This is not your standard Heart Rate Monitor app this mobile app and accessory are design to accurately measure Cardiomyopathy (“heart muscle disease”) on the go in a more comfortable way with emergency precautions. The app contain the following features: data storage, location, gyroscope/pedometer and Bluetooth 4.0 LE communication.

  • Features: Bluetooth 4.0 LE (Low Energy), AsyncTask, Gyroscope Sensors, Custom Layout Adapter, Graphs(AndroidPlot) and only compatible with Kit-Kat (API 19)

Personal Projects

Mobile OCR (Optical Character Recognition): by implementing Vuforia library this application allows the user to recognize words/sentences and in the same time be able to choose to what language to be translated, once translation is done the translated words are place on top of the original words using OpenGL ES to create 3D squares with the character texture of the word translated.

  • Features: Custom Layout Adapter, AsyncTask, Vuforia SDK, JNI, Android NDK, OpenGL ES 2.0, Google Translate API v2, backwards compatible all the way to Gingerbread (API 10)

Pocket Advisor: is a mobile app that allows students to register new classes, check their schedule of the semester and also allows them to make an appointment with their faculty adviser The support of the Server Side of this app has been discontinue!.

  • Features: Custom Layout Adapter, AsyncTask, SQLite Database, Fragments, backwards compatible all the way to Gingerbread (API 10)